Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reiki for Animals

Energy healing is a gentle, painless, yet powerful modality that works where it is needed most. The form of energy healing that I use is Reiki. Traditionally, Reiki has been used primarily on humans since the mid 1800s. However, it has been found to benefit any living thing, including plants and animals.

Reiki can be used for distance as well as hands-on healing. It works on many levels: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Because Reiki consists of the same Universal Life Energy that makes every living thing alive, any living thing can be helped by Reiki energy.

Typically, when a Reiki practitioner uses Reiki on an animal, the animal will become very relaxed and sometimes will even fall asleep. A treatment can be short (about 5 or 10 minutes) or long (up to an hour) depending on how much healing the animal feels it needs.

Once the animal has absorbed all of the energy it feels it needs, it will slowly awaken and walk away. Often, in my experience, before walking away, the animal will give me a sign of affection as a way to say, "Thank you". This has usually taken the form of a nuzzle, 'love lick' or 'love nibble'.

Please keep in mind that Reiki is typically used as a complimentary therapy and is not a substitute for veterinary care.

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